
Friday, January 25, 2019

Rediscover SOS: Myth Bustin’

Rediscover SOS: Myth Bustin’

From Discovery Education
(CDN Version), and Paper Slide (CDN Version) are long-time favorites
for both teachers and students.
They are easily adaptable to many different grade levels and content
areas and are fun ways to engage students in analyzing digital media.
But, did you know that they represent only a handful of more than 130
different tried and true strategies in the Spotlight on Strategies
(CDN Version) collection?
Rediscover SOS is a series that reminds us about some of these
great strategies. Take this opportunity to explore a strategy that you
haven’t used in a while.

Challenge yourself to give this strategy a try, and

share your outcomes with us in the DEN Online Community.

Rediscover Myth Bustin’ (CDN Version)

Description: Myth Bustin’ mimics the scientific inquiry model used on
the popular television show and Discovery Education asset, Mythbusters (CDN Version). Students consider myth/fact statements provided by the teacher, and
through the exploration of a variety of resources, determine whether
the statements are fact or fiction. This strategy enables students to
develop critical thinking skills as they examine and use evidence to support their claims.
Materials: You’ll need a video segment and related teacher-generated myth/fact statements. Students will need pen/pencil and paper.
Adaptations and Extensions:
Instead of giving myth/fact statements to the students, have
them pull statements from the media as they watch and listen.
Then, have students trade with one another to see if they’re
 able to provide evidence that proves or disproves each claim.
Ask students to use their claims and evidence as the starting
point of an argumentative essay.
Create a team challenge by keeping a tally of points given to
 teams who are able to identify the myths and facts correctly over time.

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