
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

And the Number is...

Rediscover SOS: The Number Is (CDN Version)

Description: This strategy encourages students to become more aware of the mathematics that they encounter in their daily lives. Students become engaged in listening and watching for numbers in a pre-selected video segment and then use those numbers to generate mathematical word problems.
Materials: Students will need a video segment, paper, something to write with.
Adaptations and Extensions:
  1. DEN Friend Emily Fagan likes using this strategy across many different content areas. She uses it:
    • in Social Studies to have students better understand the American Revolution by looking for numbers related to the number of colonies, jobs, and land areas
    • in science to have students dig into biomes and habitats through the numbers found in media that discusses temperature, climate, and world zones
    • in language arts, specifically the novel Hatchet by Gary Paulsen, she has students determine the number of miles the main character walks, discover the number of weeks it takes for a broken leg to heal, etc.
  2. Use Discovery Education media that contains numerical data about a topic, such as the solar system, and use SOS Pause and Play (CDN Version) to help students understand how to actively listen for numerical data. With each pause, ask students to curate their data in a chart. After playing the media, have them compute totals or averages for the data they’ve collected.

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