Saturday, October 7, 2017

Place those commas!

So where do all the commas go?  TeachersFirst recently shared these resources.

Grades 6-12

Copy Edit This!

Become an editor for the New York Times! This 10-question quiz includes passages from articles with one grammatical error each. Click on the word you believe to be incorrect.

Grades 2-8

Punctuation Campground

Use game-based learning to motivate your students to learn punctuation. Although basic, this site offers many opportunities for students to practice punctuation. You have the option to start over, try again, and even get a hint.

Grades 3-12


Personalize the writing and grammar experience for your students. Practice proper use of apostrophes, subject-verb agreement, comma issues, sentence fragments, run-on sentences, commonly confused words, and more. See our full review for more details!

Grades 2-5

Comma Confusion

Get gamified with punctuation! Help Dr. Igneous sort out confusing messages (missing commas) to save the villagers from an erupting volcano. Share this interactive on your whiteboard and then allow students to practice on their own. Share on your website.

Grades 1-4

Alien Punctuation

Help Max and Molly "talk to the aliens" and correct their punctuation. There are three levels of difficulty. Topics vary by level and include: capitalization, periods, question marks, commas, quotation marks, and more.

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