Friday, November 11, 2016

More from Quizizz!

Quizizz is one of my favorite tools for formative assessment. Now they have added some updates including:
  • Add Quizzes to collections and get things better organized.
  • Like your favorite Quizzes.
  • Discover quizzes based on popularity, recency and more

Here’s their story:

Introducing the all new Quizizz!

The new school year is in full swing! We know it’s always exciting to come back — A fresh start, new class, new students and even a new school for a few of us. This time of the year has always been special for us at Quizizz too. Last year, during this period, we released reports and homework features. We were ecstatic to see the impact of these features and heard many wonderful stories from you on this.
This year we are all set to release our new set of features again. The team has worked hard during this summer to add more awesomeness to Quizizz. The result? The new Quizizz is now faster, more secure and finding content has never been easier. We have significantly improved our search and added features to keep you better organized.

  • Discovery: We have significantly improved our search algorithm, the new search automatically surfaces the trending quizzes to the top. In this release, you can filter your searches on grade levels and easily discover quizzes based on popularity, recency etc.
  • Collections: The new “collection” feature not only allows you to easily organize the quizzes you created, but also gives you the power to bookmark any public Quiz to “My Quizizz” section. Learn more.
  • Remove a Player: This was one of the top requested feature from last year, Now you can remove a player from the reports section as well as in the live dashboard of your Quizizz game. This saves us all from the embarrassment caused by some of the over creative students.
  • Faster Quizizz: Quizizz game has been redesigned to make it work even on low bandwidth networks. Up for a challenge? Our previous record boasts of 2500 users in a single session but we want you to test the limits of our new system.
  • HTTPS support: Now all the communication between your browser and Quizizz servers will be through a 256 bit encrypted SSL channel. This feature will add security measures and make it harder for others to sniff on our conversations.
  • Like your Favorite Quiz: Do you like a particular quiz? With this feature you can show all the love to your favorite quiz by liking it.
  • Rename a Report: This allows you to change the name of your reports and keep a better track of your quizizz games.

We hope these new features make your Quizizz experience even better. We invite you to experience the new Quizizz and share your ❤️ like always. Until then #HappyQuizizzing!

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