Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Content Starters to be thankful for!

Here is a blog post from Discovery Education- have you ever used the lesson starters?

I love the many Content Collections (U.S.)we have in Discovery Education,
but I ABSOLUTELY ADORE the lesson starters! Here is a link to some that
are timely for this season of Thanksgiving.

Link to the collection (U.S. only)
Thanksgiving Lesson Starters

Our Thanksgiving K-5 Lesson Starter (U.S. and Canada)
K-5 Lesson Starter

So many times I find a resource, or see an SOS that I would like to try, but I'm
lost on how to really bring it to life in my classroom. Lesson starters are the
perfect jumping off point for incorporating digital media into the classroom in
a meaningful way without having to stay up until all hours the night before
starting a lesson to prepare, cut out, make copies, etc.

One of my favorites is the Lesson Starter for Multiplication (U.S. and Canada)
for grades 6-8. I really wish my 6th grade math teacher would have had
something like this...I feel like I would have enjoyed math so much more than I do now.

Our Multiply It Lesson Starter (U.S. and Canada)
Math lesson starter

I also love that Lesson Starters are perfect for new teachers by offering a
ready-made guide for using Discovery Education resources, but at the
same time, can be used by even the most veteran teacher who is wanting
to find a new way to introduce something that has been taught the same way year after year.

Are you ready to get started with Lesson Starters?
Chelsea Murray
Manager, Partner Engagement
Discovery Education


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