Saturday, March 19, 2022

Can kindergarteners play Quizizz?

You bet they can!  Special thanks to Amanda Beleski and Kristen Boehm (and their talented class) for helping me to work out the process using Quizizz. There are many ways to share the game link- and we tried them all.  Our recommendation?  Even though it takes a little more effort (only the first time they join), sharing the link via Go Guardian was the easiest method.

The first time it will prompt the students for their birthday- we entered this information for them.  Every game after that (even two weeks later), all they had to do was make a few clicks and select their name.

Kristen and Amanda were using Quizizz to reinforce color sight words and then we moved to match the number with the word.

  Here are their setting suggestions for a successful implementation:

  1. Turn off the music. There is different music for correct and incorrect responses and students notice.

  2. Turn off the leaderboard- it is too distracting for most students.

  3. Teacher-led is best for first-time players.  In subsequent games, we moved to the classic view where students can move at their own pace.

  4. Turn off the memes - especially in K - they don’t get it and it is another distraction.

  5. Encourage students to review the flashcards when done.

If you are interested in an Edu Protocol (a.k.a The Fast and the Curious) that uses that platform to help students learn, please see this blog post (including a video) from Matt Miller. We did use this with their class and tracked their progress on the board. Here's Matt's video:

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